Consulting Center Services

Why do we need psychological counseling?

Man, as the only being who exchanges ideas and consults with his fellow human beings, has been guided and consulted throughout his life from the very beginning. With the development of humanities and behavioral sciences in society, special attention was paid to psychology and psychiatry. Today, professional counseling and counseling is provided to help people in the community. For people who have difficulty raising their children, adapting to their environment, making decisions, family relationships, social skills, and lifestyle, psychological counseling helps them find the right solution to their problems.


In what cases is it more important to receive psychological counseling?

We humans, in doing the current affairs of our lives, such as education, work, marriage, etc., first examine the best solutions and use the power of reason. But the problem is that we do not slip in the use of our intellect and thought. Psychological counseling helps us to consult with experienced experts in this field before making any decision. Because we all need to be familiar with the different perspectives and criteria that exist on our problems and to be able to analyze that issue well.

We at AVA Counseling Center ...

At Ava Counseling Center, we intend to provide various services in the field of psychological counseling in person, online and by phone, or by using the training packages provided, so that we can take a step towards the mental health of the community and the social life of you, dear audience. Let’s be.
Ava Counseling Center helps you solve your life problems by providing psychological counseling in various fields including family counseling, premarital counseling, children and adolescents, academic counseling, immigration and stress and anger management.

Educational package

Effective Parents , Capable Teenager

If you are a teenager who feels that you do not have the necessary information and knowledge about how to communicate with him and know his characteristics at this sensitive age, you can prepare a video package "Effective Parents, Capable Teenager" by Dr.Batoul Torki is prepared, get fully acquainted with the challenges of this course and establish an effective and successful relationship with your teenager.

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