Child and adolescent counseling | Ava Counseling Center

Children and adolescents because of their special sensitivities at any age. They may have needs and wants that parents are sometimes unaware of.
Lack of awareness of child and adolescent personality development conditions causes conflict. The counselor identifies these conflicts based on experience and the use of scientific solutions and helps to improve the relationship by giving the necessary knowledge to the parents and the child.
Child and adolescent psychology and counseling are similar to adult counseling and treatment. In counseling sessions, a safe and empathetic atmosphere is created with the child and adolescent to make changes in the child’s thoughts, behavior and feelings.
Like adults, the child is emotionally supported in sessions to resolve his or her educational and psychological conflicts, to understand his or her thoughts and feelings, and to find a way to address his or her daily problems.
Child and adolescent counseling can be done alone with the child or with one parent or both. In these counseling sessions, the counselor also provides parents with strategies for the proper upbringing of the child.
In fact, it can be said that child and adolescent counseling treatment sessions are outside the scope of family counseling and fall into a separate category.
Ava Counseling Center, with a comprehensive view of this sensitive age group, tries to inform its clients and contacts as much as possible about the necessary tips and trainings for educating children and adolescents, and until the children reach a healthy and independent personality in Have an active and effective presence with their parents.
You can use these various communication channels that we have provided, to benefit from this important information about child and adolescent counseling in the form of face-to-face counseling in Australia, telephone counseling services as well as online psychological counseling.
