Cohabitation skills | Preparing for marriage


Chapter Two: Healthy Marriage
Part One: Preparing for Marriage

Getting ready for marriage is a very important issue. Perhaps the question that people should ask themselves is why do they want to get married? Is it necessary to get married or not? If people get married just to get rid of their current situation. Or if people get married just to get rid of loneliness, or if people get married just to get rid of a series of family constraints, they are sorely mistaken.

Marriage is a sacred bond

We need to know that marriage is a very sacred bond. It must be based on a series of more sacred attitudes and important and realistic attitudes. If a person reaches adulthood and feels the need to get better development and better growth by getting married. This person thinks that he should expose himself to marriage. This is completely wrong.

If a person thinks that if he does not get married, he will be unaware. It is a misconception, and in fact some of the first people have to reach a stage and preparation for marriage, and if they get married earlier than this stage, their marriage is very wrong for me.

Getting married is not just about satisfying your sexual needs

Getting married should not be based on the fact that it is obligatory and I must do it. It is true that marriage is an inner need and a sacred act, but we must realize that getting married is not just about satisfying sexual needs. Marriage must come from an emotional need. It must come from a physical, mental and social need. So that I can conclude that if I get married, I will lead my wife to better growth in the first step and in the next step.

Marriage is not the miracle of your life

A person who did not grow up before marriage and has no purpose in life will definitely have problems after marriage. Marriage is not a miracle that changes life all at once and only gives people freedom. In fact, marriage has the opposite nature.

Marriage is a responsibility. It is a sacred thing that is very enjoyable and very good. It is in line with my evolution. But I have to concentrate on choosing beautiful and realistic goals for my marriage so that I can enjoy a healthy marriage. I have to consider some preparation for marriage so that I can declare that I am ready for the important thing of marriage. That means I take a magnifying glass and look at myself with it. To see if I am physically, emotionally, mentally and sexually ready for marriage. And is my family socially ready for this?

Physically ready for marriage

This readiness comes from the fact that I have reached a state of physical growth and we can declare that I am ready for marriage. Age is a number, and from time to time a person at the age of 18 or 19 will reach a physical stability. Sometimes a person reaches this physical stability at the age of 23. I need to know that physical fitness is just one of the preparations for marriage, and if I am physically stable, I am not going to give in to marriage.

Preparing for marriage emotionally

This preparation is very important. It means that I am emotionally and spiritually ready to accept another person with a series of different feelings and emotions in my life. The first way to get ready for marriage emotionally is to check if I know my emotions well enough. If I know myself and I know what makes me sad or happy, what affects me or does not affect me, determine the extent of it.

Then in the next step, can I manage my emotions and feelings? See if I can manage my emotions at the right time. Whenever I can do these managements in my emotional relationships, I can respect someone else’s emotions as well.

For example, if a girl has problems in her relationship with her mother or father and can not understand them, there is no guarantee that she can understand her husband. This is where I have to say that he is not yet fully developed emotionally and may not be able to understand other emotions.

Preparing for marriage sexually

Sexual readiness for marriage, which is also very important, means that I have a complete knowledge of my gender. And I have a complete knowledge of the opposite sex. I have also gained the necessary knowledge about sex. Knowledge from authoritative sources such as books and scientific articles.

Socially prepared for marriage

Social preparation for marriage is another preparation I must achieve before marriage. Preparing for marriage is socially divided into several parts: financial readiness, family readiness, and social security readiness.

Financial readiness means having an attitude towards income and living expenses.

Family readiness means that parents and others around me accept that I am now ready for marriage. I act as a completely independent person and they are completely satisfied with their child’s marriage.

Social security readiness means that I have a vision for the future of the families I want to form. Have a plan and a goal. It should not be the case that I enter the field of marriage suddenly and emotionally and have no attitude towards the future.

In order to examine these few preparations for marriage, we must be careful to examine these issues within ourselves and then examine them on the other side as well.

Hope for success for you and a healthy marriage for all of you dear friends.

Hoping to meet


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