Cohabitation Skills | The effect of sleep and nutrition on mental health

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Chapter One: Mental Health
Part 5: The effect of sleep and nutrition on mental health

In this section, we want to talk about the effect of sleep and nutrition on human mental health and consider its various dimensions.

As you all know, dear friends, people’s sleep varies according to their age, condition and level of activity. An adult usually needs 6 to 8 hours of sleep and rest.

But one very important point is that the depth of sleep of people is very different. Some people get full energy with 4 hours of sleep and the need for rest is eliminated. But others need more sleep. Because they sleep less, they may still feel drowsy after sleeping for 8 or even 10 hours.

The effect of sleep and rest on couples’ relationships

Differences in sleep depth cause misunderstandings in couples. Because if a person receives the necessary energy by sleeping for 6 hours, he will expect the same amount of sleep from his spouse. If the person’s spouse has more or less sleep, they may not understand each other and tell him or her why he or she is so sleepy.

But we must pay attention to the fact that the physical and physiological condition of human beings are different from each other and all we have to do is respect this issue. We should not compare our sleep patterns with others, and we should not even do so in a family setting with our children or spouse.

Cause of insomnia at night and drowsiness during the day

Another thing about the effect of sleep and nutrition on mental health is that if your sleep or even your child is disturbed for a long time, for example, you sleep insomnia from night to morning and you feel drowsy during the day. , You should consider this issue. In these cases, you may be depressed or have trouble sleeping. A specialized study in this field must be done.

The effect of personal problems on sleep

Sometimes people have a series of problems that make it difficult for them to sleep. These minor problems are perfectly normal. But if this change or disturbance in sleep lasts for a long time and lasts for a few days or weeks, you must act professionally so that you do not suffer from depression or other cases.

The effect of bad sleeping habits

Sometimes our bad sleeping habits can cause these sleep disorders. It seems that sometimes teenagers get used to waking up at night. They will not have the necessary energy the next day. This behavior definitely has a direct effect on the health of the body, the rate of learning and on the level of our consciousness. So we need to take special care to change our bedtime to get closer to the necessary mental health.

The effect of sleep and rest on the quality of daily activities

Another thing that will be related to people’s rest is that in schools or universities, the time between classes is a break time or after a long session, we take a short break. Most of them do other activities during their leisure time, such as checking their mobile phone or cyberspace.

Our minds need rest

Of course, it is true that we do not do anything special in practice, but our minds are still active. This change of situation, which we move from one activity to another, is a good thing. But we must be aware that our minds need rest. These activities do not include rest of the mind if we check our mobile phone during our rest, or read another book or even watch TV. Our mind needs to think about nothing and do nothing for a certain amount of time.

The rest we need in life

We need to know that our rest has two parts:

Part 1: Resting our physique and body

Part 2: Our mental rest

And we need to know that we should not neglect the rest of our minds and not think about anything for at least a few minutes and even close our eyes and look at nothing.

The nutritional needs of our body

After examining the effects of sleep and nutrition on mental health, the next step is to talk about nutrition, which is a very important issue.

If we can do a check every few months to see if our body receives all the vitamin and protein needs. Many times mothers complain that our children make a lot of noise. We are tired, we can’t stand it, etc …

Through a series of tests we perform on mothers, we find that many of these angry mothers are deficient in iron, vitamins, and anemia. These people can only easily reduce their violence and anger by eliminating these issues in their diet.

The effect of nutrition on body health

As with the effect of sleep, we had to look at the causes of our good disorder, and we had to look at our diet in terms of nutrition.

If I, as a mother or a spouse, do not check my diet after a while, I will make mistakes in my relationships. We must be very careful that diet will have a direct impact on the health of the body. Note the amount of vitamins, proteins and these issues to be examined from time to time with a series of specific tests. We need to know that these shortcomings will change our mood and even change our relationships after a while.

So please, as a spouse, parent, and as a person or a person, consider the impact of sleep and nutrition on your mental health. This may seem simple. But these superficial and simple issues can help us a lot. It can be very influential in our lives, personalities, and social relationships, and it can make a big difference in us.

The effect of nutrition on parental behaviors

We usually advise parents, especially mothers, to take a multivitamin daily. They need to know that rising levels of vitamins and proteins and all the nutrients we need are very important in our lives. So let’s try and take care of proper sleep and nutrition.

Focus when eating

The point about proper nutrition is that we need to focus on nutrition and not on other things. Such as TV, mobile, talking, etc …. Try to focus on eating and drinking, and this focus will have a huge impact on nutrition.

I hope we all respect the effect of sleep and nutrition on mental health and take care of our health. Be happy and proud.


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